Sponsor a Tree
Be a part of the holiday fun and connect with our community by decorating a unique holiday tree to be enjoyed by the public during our sixth annual Hope for the Holidays Tree Festival and Charity Auction presented by IU Credit Union.
Tree Set-up Day: Sunday, Nov. 17, 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Registration Closed
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Hope for the Holidays tree festival. Unfortunately, registration has already closed for this year. We hope you will join us at The Pavilion in Switchyard Park from Nov 18 through 20 to see all the wonderful trees that will be on display!
Resources for Tree Sponsors
Press Release: Hope for the Holidays 2024 (PDF, 150 KB)
Event Flyer 8.5”x11” (PDF, 16.3 MB)
Event Flyer 11”x17” (PDF, 18.8 MB)
Tree Festival LookBook 2023 (PDF, 20.7 MB)
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at hope4theholidays@newhope4families.org or by phone at 812-334-9840 option 3.